Five (5) reasons why spinning is the best retirement exercise

Five (5) reasons why spinning is the best retirement exercise

The joys to weight loss, but also the amazing benefits of cardiovascular to arteries and our heart. 

1. Convenience

Instead of having to drive back and forth to the gym, add in shower time and departure prep the best solution is to own your spin bike.  The beauty about owning your own bike is to get up in the morning, do your 30 minute spin, and shower and you’re ready to go for the day. Having to wait for the gyms scheduled workout and trying to be on time can be annoying but easily solved by doing it at your own place.

2. Low Impact

Spinning is easy of the joints.  Unlike running and other activities like tennis, spinning quickly gets ones heart rate to its target cardio zone with less stress on the joints. 

3. Weight loss

By burning 300 calories a day and the proper diet you will quickly see the results of losing weight.  Testimonial I lost 25 pounds by spinning every day, 1-2 pounds a Month. 

Spinning time vs calories burned.


* Ideally a sixty (60) minute work-out a day would be fantastic, but the caution is burn out.  Something rarely talked about and has it’s hidden signs.  Burn out is real with the telling signs of “I’m just bored”.   The solution to Burn Out is to keep your workouts achievable and stress free.  Knowing you have a 60 minute workout due can be utter stress with the easy out I just won’t do it.  If you skip a day’s work out one can easily skip the next day too and so on, and before you know it you’re not working out anymore. 

That’s why I say keep it simple and achievable like brushing your teeth.  30 minutes. 

4. Stimulate Brain

Some say spinning is fun, I disagree I think it’s boring.  When I first started all I did was watch the clock, but I’ve discovered the solution use your brain.  Because of the mindless effort activity spinning opens up the most optimal moment to think, plan and envision.   Sure one can be entertained with TV, Netflix and YouTube but I’ve discovered its secret advantage, Brain power the release of endorphins.

5. It’s Safe

Going out on the road cycling is dangerous, I know I’ve been cycling for over 50 years.  It’s not you it’s the other guy one has to worry about while on the road.  Texting, DUI and lack of sleep all adds up to heed with caution while one the road, but with spinning all that is eliminated. 

Recommended spinning accessories:

Biking shoes with clip-in peddles.  Many of the spin bikes have the provided shoes cages, with the tendency of slippage and aggravation caused by the feet coming out.  By having the proper shoes and peddles make the workout efficient and stress-free. 

Don’t go cheap on buying a bike.  Buy the best quality bike that you possibly can afford.  Having a bike that’s solid and sturdy only strengthens your future in having a long term exercise regime.  The cheaper less quality bikes have a tendency to move, flex, and incredibly make squeaking sounds causing aggravation and stress. 

Buy 15 (7.5 kg) dumb bells.  While spinning it’s very easy to also do ones curls and arm lifts at the same time, eliminating extra workout time. 

That’s it now it’s all up to you!

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Is Spinning Good For Older Adults? The Pros & Cons

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